BeSARPP | Membership


Dear Colleagues,

Your membership is very important to us, and to the Belgian anesthesiology community. By becoming a member, you sustain our society in achieving its goals, namely the promotion of excellence in the practice of anesthesia, in patient management and safety, as well as the promotion of excellent education and science in anesthesia. The more we are, the stronger we can be, and the higher the chances of being heard and recognized. The BeSARPP is at a privileged place to give advices and counseling to the authorities regarding the domains it aims for.

Anesthesiologists in training are also more than welcome. We need their input through the Belgian Anesthesia Trainees group (BAT) to improve the way anesthesia education is provided. Special prices have been designed for them.

But BeSARPP membership is not a one-way deal. By becoming a member, you will benefit from all the advantages of it:

  • Access to several education opportunities at a low price, or even for free in some instances, such as the graduation day, and workshops to learn practical skills.
  • Free online access to the society’s journal, the Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica. In this journal, and beside original studies and case reports, detailed narrative review articles are provided on a regular basis, dealing with hot topics and providing up-to-date information for the anesthetic management of several pathological conditions. The journal is also a communication link, where the BeSARPP can diffuse its own guidelines or highlight those of other anesthesia societies. It also allows residents to publish their master’s thesis at the end of their training.
  • Possibility to apply for research grants if you are in a position of conducting clinical or basic science research. Each year, and after adequate selection by independent international experts, the BeSARPP awards grants to Belgian anesthesia research projects of excellent quality.
  • Being part of a large scientific network, both in Belgium and the remaining world, through the privileged relationship the BeSARPP has with international anesthesia societies such as the European Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC), and the World Federation of Anesthesia Societies (WFSA).
  • Reduced fee for several scientific meetings that are endorsed by the BeSARPP, either in Belgium or abroad.  
  • Free ESAIC Associate Membership (Online access to European Journal of Anaesthesiology, the Current Opinion in Critical Care, the Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology and the ESAIC Newsletter).
  • Monthly BeSARPP newsletter with the latest updates in the field of Anesthesia.
  • Access to the member section of the BeSARPP website


You have the opportunity to become a member of the Belgian Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation, Perioperative Medicine and Pain Management (BeSARPP – Formerly SARB) and l’Association Professionnelle Belge des Médecins Spécialistes en Anesthésie-Réanimation / Belgische Beroepsvereniging van Artsen-Specialisten in Anesthesie en Reanimatie (BSAR/APSAR) through 1 registration.

The offer to register for both societies at once makes administration for you much easier.

Of course, you will also have the possibility to still become member of just 1 society (see below).

Membership is from 1 January until 31 December.


Combined Membership BeSARPP & BSAR/APSAR

Membership CategoryFee
Certified and active anesthesiologist € 325,00
Retired Member with no activity € 80,00
Retired Member with activity € 180,00
Member with a foreign professional activity € 200,00
Additional discount per member with full service registration– € 25,00

Important: Payment for combined membership is collected by VBS.
More information is available here:

Nederlandse versie

Version française

BeSARPP Membership

Membership CategoryFee
Licensed Practitioner – Payment for 1 Year (2024)€ 125,00
Licensed Practitioner – Payment for 2 Years (2024 and 2025)€ 225,00
Residents – 1st and 2nd year (until 31 December) + BAT Membership (free)
We encourage all residents to choose the combined membership category (see below)
Residents – 2nd (as of 1 January), 3rd, 4th and 5th year + BAT Membership (free)
We encourage all residents to choose the combined membership category (see below)
€ 80,00

Multiple Year Membership Residents

For a first time in history, the 5 societies of Anesthesia in Belgium are offering you the possibility to become a member of all societies through 1 registration. Registration using the offer to register for all 5 societies at once makes administration for you much easier.
The societies are:

  • The Belgian Society for Anesthesiology, Resuscitation Perioperative medicine and Pain Management (BeSARPP)
  • L’Association Professionnelle Belge des Médecins Spécialistes en Anesthésie-Réanimation / Belgische Beroepsvereniging van Artsen-Specialisten in Anesthesie en Reanimatie (BSAR/APSAR)
  • The Belgian Association for Regional Anesthesia (BARA) The BARA offers trainees the membership for FREE.
  • The Belgian Association for Paediatric Anaesthesiology (BAPA) The BAPA offers trainees the membership for FREE.
  • The Belgian Anesthesia Trainees (BAT) The BAT offers trainees the membership for FREE.
Membership YearsFee
5 years (only possible if you are in your 1st year of training)FREE during your first 15 months of residency . As of 1 January in your second year, you will be asked to pay the membership fee for 4 years
4 years (only possible if you are in your 2nd year of training)€ 210,00
3 years (only possible if you are in your 3rd year of training)€ 180,00
2 years (only possible if you are in your 4th year of training)€ 140,00
1 year (only possible if you are in your last year of training)€ 80,00

Thanks to this collaboration, you will enjoy a great number of benefits through your residency. These are, among others:

  • An European Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC, formerly the ESA) Associate Membership
  • An online access to the Acta Anesthesiologica Belgica
  • A free access to BSAR/APSAR Annual Meeting
  • A free access to the BeSARPP Graduation Day
  • A reduced registration fee for the BeSARPP Annual Meeting
  • A reduced registration fee for the BeSARPP endorsed meetings
  • The possibility to apply for the BeSARPP Research Grants
  • Free legal advices if you need some, through the BSAR/APSAR
  • A free BARAMembership
  • A free BAPA Membership
  • A reduced registration fee for the events organized by the BAPA
  • A free BAT Membership, which offers the possibility of free European Diploma in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (EDAIC) lessons, free access to some pdf anesthesia books, podcasts, Pubmed Monday…, and of representing the residents in the different Belgian anesthesia societies
  • Receiving the newsletters from the different societies

You have the possibility to already confirm your combined membership for your entire residency at a lower price.

Membership is yearly from January 1st to December 31st.

Titulary Membership

BeSARPP Titulary Members have voting rights at the Annual General Assembly and can also apply to join the BeSARPP Board every 4 years.
Who can apply as a Titulary Member?

De voorwaarden om als werkend lid toegelaten te worden zijn cumulatief:
• Voldoen aan één van de onderstaande kwalificaties:

  • Anesthesioloog (of anesthesioloog in opleiding) zijn, én houder zijn van een Belgische academische graad van de derde cyclus of van een buitenlandse gelijkwaardige graad;
  • Belgische Universiteit zijn dewelke een opleiding aanbiedt tot dokter in de medische wetenschappen, geneesheer-specialist in de anesthesiologie;
  • Academicus zijn, aangesteld door een Belgische universiteit zoals hierboven bedoeld;
  • Zich, naar oordeel van de Raad van Bestuur, op een bijzondere wijze verdienstelijk maken of gemaakt hebben in de wetenschap of praktijk van de anesthesiologie.

Les conditions suivantes doivent être remplies de manière cumulative pour être admis en qualité de membre effectif :
• satisfaire à l’une des qualifications ci-dessous :

  • être anesthésiologue (ou anesthésiologue en formation) et titulaire d’un titre universitaire belge de troisième cycle ou d’un titre étranger équivalent ;
  • être une université belge qui dispense une formation de docteur en sciences médicales, médecin spécialiste en anesthésiologie ;
  • être une personne de formation universitaire, désignée par une université belge au sens précité ;
  • faire preuve de mérite ou avoir fait preuve de mérite, de l’avis du Conseil d’administration, d’une façon particulière dans les sciences ou dans la pratique de l’anesthésiologie ;
    • accepter de participer activement à la réalisation des objectifs de l’A.S.B.L. ;
    • accepter les statuts et le règlement d’ordre intérieur de l’A.S.B.L. ;
    • avoir suivi la procédure d’admission prévue dans le règlement d’ordre intérieur ;
    • avoir payé la cotisation déterminée par le Conseil d’administration

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